Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day 1.148: Steamy - adults only?

For a significant section of my walk to the concert on Thursday, I was accompanied by these large overground pipes. I had no idea what they were for until I asked one of my hosts, but they are quite a presence.

Today, temperatures got up well into the 90s - or about 34 °C if you prefer - hot in other words and it's not even officially summer yet. This afternoon, sibling classmates of the girls came round for a play-date and, amongst other things we set up the hose with a sprinkler attachment for them all to play in. I remembered doing this as a child, although I find it hard to imagine that we had many days as hot as today in the north of England in the 1970s.

Further on down the pipes there was what appeared to be a BBFC 18 Certificate (this is the film rating in the UK technically equivalent to NC-17 in the US - i.e. no-one under 18 allowed - but closer in its application to the R rating I suspect). In any case, how it applies to pre-reunification East German steam-heating plumbing fixtures is by no means clear.

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1 comment:

  1. We had hot summers in the 70s and regularly had breakfast outside before work and school, even in Yorkshire.



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