Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 1.170: Stay on the pavement

I ended yesterday's post with a comment about pavement chalk. In fact of course as most culturally-aware British people know, here in the US, a pavement is a sidewalk. If only life were that simple.

In the UK, a pavement is a walkway by a road (sidewalk), often these are made of paving slabs - the process of laying these slabs or stones is known as paving. In the US, the pavement is the road-surface, made of tarmac and the process of laying this surface is known as paving.

So, here, the girls are drawing on the pavement we had laid as our new drive(way) with sidewalk chalks. Also, American kids are taught to stay off the pavement when walking down the street, whereas British children are taught to stay on the pavement (for the same reason).

Not only did the girls work together very nicely on this one, but E5N1 also contributed to it by crawling over it and touching his forehead to each colour in turn - I'm not sure it had much effect on the picture, but it certainly left its mark on his head.

We're running out of chalk thanks to these fantastically large, bold and short-lived pictures (this one is currently being erased by an impressive thunderstorm). Now what do they call those chalks again?
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1 comment:

  1. Clearly E5N1 is exhibiting his natural artistic talent. The juxtaposition of his sisters appreciation of colo(u)r with his own understanding of temporal and spatial awareness is quiet obvious, which combined with his desire to preserve the work beyond the short term nature of the original piece, suggests a deep appreciation of creativity.



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