Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 1.151: Grated-tree

Here's another sculpture-free picture from our trip to Storm King back on Day 1.134. We noticed that the trees near the top of a hill all had these grates around them.

Closer inspection revealed an astonishing engineering accomplishment - this hole was about 10 feet deep. At some point the hill must have been re-landscaped, but before it was extended in this direction, first a huge stone wall was built around each of the trees that was growing there. OK, it was probably done in stages, but you take my point. It also helps to reveal how much material they must have moved by showing the original lie of the land. Quite something.

Today we have been under a 'Tornado Watch' and a 'Severe Weather Advisory' (for the temperature). I believe it peaked in the high 90s with high humidity adding to the joy. We have not heard of any tornadoes, but some dramatic thunderstorms have come through this evening.

We await the promise of more manageable weather.
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