Saturday, May 24, 2008

Day 1.134: Looking-up

We had a rough morning - had to unmake well-laid plans at short notice, then got grumpy then cross with each other. Anyway, shortly after lunch we sorted ourselves out and found ourselves at the rather dramatically-named Storm King Arts Center.

It's a huge site full of mostly-huge sculptures - here are the 'giruls' looking up at one of them. We were permitted to photograph there (the rules imply - as long as the pictures are not too good) but we are not allowed to 'publish' the pictures - whether this little blog counts as publishing is moot, but I'll be good (for now at least) and direct you to this page for some pictures. We had a great time. We met up (partly intentionally) with some friends and colleagues for part of the time and the girls walked (and rode the 'tram') for miles with surprisingly long-lasting enthusiasm.

Apart from the sculptures, the park and the setting are spectacular - with meadows, woodland, mountain-views. The paths are a mixture of gravel and mowed grass and are unobtrusive, unlike the structures that appear around every corner. Eventually I found somewhere I could photograph that was sculpture-free to give you a feel for the place.

The whole trip lasted from 11 am to 9 pm. Ten hours roughly divided into three driving, two eating and five looking at sculptures. Not bad at all really.
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  1. Three hours' driving? When I enter Albany and "Storm King" into Google it says "about 42 days 23 hours" including "Kayak across Pacific Ocean 7906 miles"

  2. I suppose we may have slightly exceeded the speed limit at times.


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