Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 1.126: Drummy Mummy

On my way home from work I went to pick Exile #3 up from a play-date. I arrived at 6 pm to be told (by the kids) it was too early and invited by the parents to sit down by the fire and have a glass of wine. At 7 pm I finally managed to get us both into the car. Also at 7 pm, our fortnightly (that means every other week for US readers) Rock Band night was supposed to be starting at our house.

It got under way soon enough and finished at about midnight. We had lots of fun. Even this marathon event would not (by at least an hour) have been long enough to complete the Endless Setlist - not that we had any intention of attempting it today.

Exile #2 shuns the guitars (both lead and bass) despite playing the real thing and previously having shown willing to have a go, but likes to sing and play the drums, well one or the other anyway- although I suspect doing both at the same time wouldn't be impossible for her.
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1 comment:

  1. If Phil Colins can do it then I'm sure Exile 2 would have no problems!



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