Sunday, May 4, 2008

Day 1.114: B-Cup

Another slightly overly-under-booked day. I was not on good form for most of it, but did manage to drag the girls to the DIY store this afternoon. This evening we left all three kids fed, but not ready for bed with their favourite babysitter and went to the school's charity auction. Last year we took a four-week old baby who slept his way through half the evening and charmed his way through the rest. This year I kept my live-auction bidding under control - but mainly because I had already found out that we had won $200 worth of things in the silent auction - a bit more successful than we'd intended probably.

He may not be a tiny baby any more, but E5N1 can still be charming when he wants to be of course. Here he is this morning with his breakfast cup of milk. The cup was made by a company who previously made NASA space-suits although that's not what I associate them with - cross-my-heart.

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  1. Just tried the "listen now" feature for the 1st time. Pretty impressive; it sure beats Currah Microspeech!


  2. You have a frankly terrifying memory for twenty-year-old trivia. For those who need it you can hear the said device in action here. Classic stuff.


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