We had a nice quiet stay-at-home day today, well,
Exile #2 has been paying for yesterday's exertions when she should probably have been sleeping off her cold, and
E5N1's nose has continued to stream, but apart from that it was nice. In particular, we have been enjoying what was probably the last warm dry day for a while. The kids have all spent a good deal of time outside in the yard and I spent a pleasant half hour or so sitting in the sun with my book.
So in place of reports of our excitements today (there really weren't any), here are some more pictures from yesterday - a barge (apparently unladen) fighting its way down-stream, but up-tide towards NYC, the model town of Poughkeepsie (it was crying out for me to try out my
fake miniature processing so I did) and a house staring potential disaster in the face - rather them than me.
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