Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 3.066: Mottephobia

I wonder if anyone has a morbid fear of raised earthworks holding 12th Century northern European castles. If they have, they may have acrophobia, but probably not mottephobia.

I don't claim to have it either (a morbid-fear of moths that is) by any token, but I certainly don't like having them buzzing around indoors - not much of a problem yet, but spring is certainly in the air and it may soon be time to get the bug-screens back up.  I was, however, interested enough to get a picture of this display case in the State Museum. At the top is the monarch butterfly - these are really big impressive butterflies - provided for scale.  Now just look at those silk moths.  Wow.  I wouldn't like to run into one of those on a dark night - and let's face it that is when you would run into one (slight uncomfortable shiver).

Sweet dreams!

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