When I got back from my run the kids were already drowning
Exile #2 in pictures, poems, cards and other artworks. I'll try and dig some out to share with you because they were remarkable in various ways. This was despite the fact that I was up at 5.30, out of the house at 6 and back by 7.30! I guess I failed to make sure she got a lie-in as a Mother's Day treat!
The kids did make pancakes for breakfast (with a bit of help from me - and a gluten-free pancake mix) and I got the grill going for our first 2013 cook-out at dinner time. We kept it simple with burgers and hot dogs and of course...s'mores!
Ours on the left,
Exile #2's one on the right with home-made-today GF graham crackers.
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