Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 5.269: Nightmares for the next generation

The kids expressed a desire to watch Doctor Who.  I'm not sure where the desire came from but I didn't push back very much.  My only stipulation was that I was going to watch it with them.  So it has become family-TV time whenever it fits in.

We've started with Season 1 (The Ninth Doctor's season) which is not my favourite, but this evening after dinner we watched my favourite two-parter from that season.  The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances.  So good.  So creepy.  So very good and creepy.

And so it is that I sent my kids off to bed this evening expecting to have nightmares about what they'd seen much as I used to do after the final credits rolled on the Doctor Who of my youth and I emerged from squeezed into my Dad's chair or behind a cushion or, in extreme cases, hiding from the TV altogether - behind the sofa.

Sleep well all!

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