Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 5.306: Slimming down

Thanks to a bit of dieting (not any more) and a lot of running, I've been losing weight.  A few of you have been kind enough to notice.  Here's the data:
I had to drill a new hole in my belt today.  A nice problem to have.

But that's not what I had in mind when I started writing this post.  Several years ago, a new admin assistant started at my work, she used association to remember people's names when first introduced to us all.  I found out a few of them much later.  One person was "Joe Bloggs* - sensible shoes".  My association was bulging pockets.  The reason was, perhaps disappointingly, that I always had a fat wallet.  Not generally because of having much money in it (often none due to poor ATM visit management), but due to a complete lack of weeding of cards, receipts, foreign currency and the like.

Anyway, I finally did something about it with a little help from a Groupon offer.

Wallets empty (left) and fully loaded with all the same important stuff (right). Before swapping (top) and afterwards (bottom)

I don't want to sound like an advert for Big Skinny, but this is life-changing stuff.  Now I can worry that I've lost my wallet instead of worrying about the structural integrity of my pockets!

* Not his actual name.  Another disappointment to add to the tally in this post.

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