Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day 1.010: Angle falls

Sometimes it's good to get a different perspective. At our church gathering this evening I was teaching the 3+ kids. The topic was the story of Jesus walking on water. The material we had suggested singing (to the obvious tune):

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Jesus does not need a boat
He walks on the sea

I wasn't convinced that that really helped forward anyone's understanding - although we have now had at least three good laughs about it. Instead I found a craft activity about the same story on a website.

After we got the kids into bed and watched an episode of House, we turned over to one of the HD channels to see if the local-ish team the New York Giants would make it to the big football game of the season (Exile #2: what is it called again?. Me: The Superbowl. Exile #2: It can't be - there's no bowling - I thought that must be baseball. Me: they call it 'pitching'). It's not cricket, and it's not football, it's not even rugby, but we're all about the new perspectives today. It was 20-20 with ten minutes to go. Ten minutes on the clock that is. At least half an hour later the ten minutes were up, the score was still 20-20 and they were into sudden-death extra-time (for only the second time in history apparently).

Earlier, my camera saw the world from E5N1's perspective.
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