Thursday, January 3, 2008

Day 358: Push the Buttons

This morning we had a visit from Exile #3's Godmother who managed to get from Liverpool Street to Cambridge by train. No mean achievement early in 2008. As you can see, we are still causing a fair deal of chaos at my parents' house. Hopefully most of it is reversible.

This afternoon was spent at a traditional British Pantomime. Although not quite the same standard as the last one. This was a proper professional affair and had all the vital components. Oh no it didn't. Oh yes it did! We left E5N1 here and the girls loved the whole experience. Even if they were frankly bemused by most of the parts that made me laugh - but that's what it's all about isn't it?

Exile #3's favourite part was when Cinderella climbed into her magical carriage and was carried off by a winged horse - I suspect there might have been a tear of joy in her eyes. Exile #2 confessed to a tear or two at the same moment - but I think hers were precipitated by laughter at the curious movements of the mechanical horse.

This evening Exile #2 and I ventured out to a former colleagues beer/curry evening. It was good to catch up with those who had opted for new jobs in the UK over time living in the US - especially because no-one was too enamoured with their 'new' jobs. Schadenfreude is alive and well I'm sorry to say.
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  1. just a thought... can you still be an exile on a visit home, or are you an escapee? ;) hope you have a good holiday tho!

  2. Yes - that preyed on my mind for a while, but I decided that it doesn't pay to over-analyse, and besides the blog is now the top Google match for its name so I'm not going to rock the boat now!

  3. oh I wouldn't rename the blog... especially if you are pageranked at number 1! (now to add some google adwords and make some pocket money?)


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