Friday, January 4, 2008

Day 359: This land is my land

I found myself musing on our time in the UK today. Undoubtedly in some ways this is my land - nobody has trouble understanding my accent or asks me where I'm from. I know which shop to go in for the product I want. I understand what people are talking about when they make sporting references in small talk.

In other ways I've found it quite strange to be here. It's a land where people look out for their neighbours, but barge through the shopping centre as if it is perfectly reasonable for everyone else to have to get out of their way. A place where people enjoy reruns of harmless comedy programmes, but the newspapers are full of predictions of the end of the world as we know it every day.

Anyway - it's travelling day again tomorrow. Unless the world as we know it comes to an end of course.
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  1. I've been listening to the Albany Fox radio network at night. On Friday they talked all night about how civilization will end in the next year or two due to Bird Flu pandemic (we will only get a max of two weeks notice, so prepare a barricaded survival room with food, blankets, batteries and - of course - guns). Saturday night was devoted to the news that the world will end before 2012 anyway because of very strong solar flares in this sun spot cycle (witness the current storms in California).

    Just wanted to share.

  2. The Grafton centre always seems to pass me by in a bit of a haze too! Surely it's perfectly reasonable for everyone else to know that I have to get to Debenhams, and I have to get there NOW!!!! OUT OF MY WAY!



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