Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day 1.298: Leaf it out!

Exile #3 was delighted with this leaf she found while waiting for the school bus. Some local schools were closed today for election day, but the girls were there as usual.

Well, I say as usual - one big change in the last few days is Exile #3's hair. Although bus driver bribery didn't manage to stop her twiddling her hair into knots, Exile #2's donation of a small ball of wool for her to bother instead has turned things around in less than a week. Long may it continue.

One of the results of this is that instead of spending the time while waiting for the bus ripping knots of her hair out with a hairbrush, I have been able to watch them play. Today, she ran around so much in the cool morning that she got too hot and first shed her coat, then rolled her sleeves up. Meanwhile, E5N1 was sent out wearing a pink body-warmer. He took it in his stride.

Another American has taken a bold step in his stride today, with Barack Obama's victory in the presidential election. John McCain is on the radio as I write this conceding defeat. A very happy night for the Democratic Party - the reality of the task ahead can wait until tomorrow, or maybe a few tomorrows.

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1 comment:

  1. Now all you need to do is be able to comment on a few more world changing events, perhaps the odd assassination or moon landing, and you'll be rivaling this... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_From_America



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