Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 1.317: Power walk

E5N1 had his 18-month check-up the other day (I may have jumped the gun a few months ago). Anyway, the doctor says he's a bit overweight and suggested a regime of exercise to prevent adding his bulk to the swelling statistics of obese toddlers. So we sent him off for a three mile power-walk today - you have to start somewhere.

Actually some of that isn't true.

But the doctor did suggest a weight control programme for him, "With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, he'll probably manage to put on a bit of weight!" Unfortunately, so will the rest of us - and unlike him we're not in need of the extra pounds.

Talking of power-walking here's a wonderful Dunkin Donuts commercial featuring a song by the ever-drole They Might Be Giants (I could have done without the remix section, but there you go).

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1 comment:

  1. Sending my grandson out walking and running on to roads seems a bit drastic!


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