Friday, November 21, 2008

Day 1.315: Mystery play

We rocked hard tonight. A small but skilled and dedicated group showed up to play Rock Band 2, drink shandy (over 21's only of course) and eat chips and salsa - and it was good.

Here's another little quiz for you - can you tell what the picture is? Clicking or mouse-over (if you're reading this on the site) will give the with-flash view.


  1. The picture seems to me to be the inside of a hollow tree, can't however make a real guess about the genus of tree.

  2. Must have missed this seems that some of your photos get filtered by our firewall at work.

    Is it...

    A 'light at the end of the tunnel' type of near death experience, miraculously caputured on film (or on digits, as the case may be), or...

    Looking upwards from within an underground tunnel, or...

    A particularly unpleasant medical photograph, of the type I occasionally have the misfortune of seeing in medical journals lying around the house, or...

    ...err, that's it, can't think of anything else.


  3. You're all wrong* it's a tulip!

    *actually one of you is right


Please use Name/URL (just a name of any kind is fine) unless you really want to be anonymous!