Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 2.026: OK, but how?

I spent the evening with our church community discussing a decision about renting a property, but also discussing how these decisions are made. There is a definite tension between the 'we need to get things done' and the 'we are all in this together'. I am still looking for a third way. As someone recently said when accepting a high-profile new job: I reject as false the suggestion that we must choose between collaboration and leadership. Well, it was something like that - that's how I feel about this situation anyway.

The model was made by Exile #3 and me - she actually originally made concentric squares, but the inner one had a gap in it, so it looked to me like a maze - so we made it into one. Unlike our situation, it's not very complicated. Importantly however it does have somewhere to sit down in the middle - she knows that's what she's aiming for. She may take some wrong turns on the way.
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  1. Collaboration vs leadership - interesting one. I think it all comes down to trust, and how well the leader can 'sell the vision' and take people with them as they lead, which in turn is to do with communication; and I mean real communication, a fundamental desire and ability to relate to people, rather than just a behaviour learnt on a course (although some of those skills can be useful).

    If the trust breaks down, and the people don't want to follow the leader, or really think they're being led in the wrong direction, then the role of leader become superfluous until such time as that trust can be rebuilt.

    Perhaps a half way house is to have a smaller team responsible for developing or delivering a defined part of the vision. Again though, people need to trust them and they need to communicate both upwards and downwards appropriately.

    A bit of a long winded answer on a cold wintery Friday afternoon. Off for a nice cup of tea and cake now...


  2. Ha! I saw this picture and immediately thought of Mazogs! Where are the spiders?! :-)

  3. Ha indeed! in case anyone is interested here is a taste of Mazogs!


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