Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 2.043: Wet weekend (day)

Sundays have fallen into something of a pattern recently - a visit to the not-too-busy YMCA swimming pool while good young Christian men are at church, roast chicken, relaxation and our church gathering. In fact swimming has not quite made it to be a regular visit and a trip to the library occurs nearly as often, but you get my point.

We made it to the pool this morning, but once there I started to feel far from full of energy - and so it has been all day. We did have a good time though - all three of the kids have reached a good level of confidence in the water even though none of them could be called a swimmer yet. We also had our roast for lunch - one of the meals that the whole family can be expected to eat with enthusiasm. Exile #2 even took the girls to the library while E5N1 napped and I crashed. So in fact, contrary to my impressions of the day, we only missed one of our regular events.

The other thing we missed was any real snow. Yes - it snowed for most of the day, but in a disappointing barely-settling South England sort of way (this winter's excitement aside!) In the middle of the day it turned to what the UK calls sleet - set snow mixing with rain. No fun for playing or photographing. I did get this picture of an American Goldfinch (winter plumage) though. Tonight it has turned cold and the wet surfaces are covered in ice. So at least I was right about continuing winter yesterday if not about its M.O.

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