Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 170: A different view

E5N1 soon made friends (lots of talking and smiling) with this unfamiliar baby who appeared in the mirror as he was about to be lifted out of his bath. Although it will be many months before he realises who the 'baby in the mirror' is, I'm glad that they're getting along so far.

After spending most of the day wiring some new offices for power and network connections - not part of my normal job description, but fine for a change, we caught the rush-hour traffic on our way back to our regular office. As a result, when I left half an hour later, I decided to try a different route avoiding all dual carriageways (divided highways). It took me a little longer - most of the non-highway roads here are death-by-traffic-lights - but not outrageously long and I should imagine it's quite predictable in a way that the highways in the rush-hour are not.

Although you see more people (as opposed to people-in-cars) driving through town, the highway is better for wildlife apparently. On our inter-office journey earlier, I spotted a mother deer with a feeding fawn sheltering in the shade of a tree on a small patch of grass surrounded by slip-roads (ramps). Now that was quite a sentence.
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