Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Day 181: Trick of the eyes

It has not escaped my notice that today, we have been in exile for six months. However, we have clearly not been here half a year yet (365/2 > 181) so I'll leave the celebrations for a couple of days.

E5N1's eyes are quite remarkable at the moment. They appear to be a sort of dark grey colour. This is significant for a couple of reasons. Firstly, several people have recently commented on his 'blue eyes' and secondly, the passport application form has a place to specify 'eye color'. I suspect they are turning brown, but I could be being fooled.

At the moment Exile #2 and I are sleeping in the guest room in our UK bed while we shop for some new bedroom furniture for the master bedroom. Before we moved in, we made sure we had coverings (blackout blinds) for the two bedrooms we planned on using - the master and the girls' room. This means that we have no window coverings at all in our current room. This resulted, when I came to bed the other day, in me closing the door to shut out the light and looking out of the window from the darkened room. Then something caught my eye - a flashing LED in the middle of the front lawn. Hang-on, it's moved now it's at the edge of the lawn, now on the drive, now in mid-air. Weird. After excluding a reflection from something inside the room (nothing there) and a remote surveillance device (very unlikely), I came to the conclusion that it must be a firefly.

I was still uncertain, so on Sunday I dragged Exile #2 to the window to see if we could see them again. We spotted several, and saw some again last night at the side of the house. I also convinced myself it was possible due to their presence in the area and I found this film which is one of several cool ones of fireflies I found. I hope you like it.
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