Thursday, July 26, 2007

Day 197: (I'm a) smart rug

On Day 191, despairing of the rugs in the store, we decided to order a rug on-line and here it is. We're very happy with it.

The core-team for the church plant were gathered around it this evening. We had a great meeting - we were discussing some documents but at the same time getting to know one another and talking about what we value and what are hopes and aims are for this project. All important foundational stuff.

I've been tired for the last couple of days - sorry if the quality of the blog-writing is suffering. I'm hoping and planning for a good night's sleep starting very very soon, hopefully that will improve matters all around.

Anyway, it's pop pun #22 for title watchers (and the first one that it appears Google can't help you with) so come on if you know: I take it you want to feel good? I take it you want to feel smart?
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1 comment:

  1. definitely a funky rug

    hope the place is feeling more like home and less like a pile of cardboard boxes!


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