Monday, September 17, 2007

Day 250: Road trips

The software engineering team are on tour - in Boston for a conference or two. This was our transportation for the journey today. Despite being significantly bigger than the mid-size SUV that we ordered, there was surprisingly little room in the back - by which I mean the middle row - there are two more seats if you fold them up, but you really have to choose between people and luggage - a seven person trip like the one we did recently with my parents would not be a serious possibility if you owned one of these.

It was quite sad saying goodbye to everyone at home for the week this morning. I saw Exile #3 onto the bus and then dropped Exile #4 at school having said goodbye to Exile #2 and E5N1 at home.

To combat my separation anxiety, I offer this vignette from Exile #2's day:

"I gave the girls some salted rice cakes today. Exile #4 ate all but one of hers on the way home. She handed the last one to me and said 'you can have it'. Fortunately, before I put it in my mouth, I noticed it was a little damp. I said, did you already put this in your mouth? No, she said, I licked the salt off... hmmm, I seem to remember a certain urban myth concerning chocolate covered brazil nuts... "
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