Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Day 251: Late

Decision: No need to pay for hotel connectivity when I have free conference connectivity.

Oversight: Need to post at the end of the day

Result: A very late post!

Here is one of the views from the conference area - and the traditional question - where in the world am I?

Normal service later today. Probably
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  1. I think I have a hunch where you are - what's the prize?

  2. The prize is eternal (probably) glory in a small corner of cyberspace. In proportion to your cunningness in working it out. If you know because I told you then less so!

  3. Huh...not even a "kiss" then

  4. You wouldn't want one - they really don't taste very nice.

  5. Not quite - much closer to home. It looks like there's been lot of subterranean construction work going on - a 'large excavation', 'massive burrowing' or something like that perhaps ;-)

  6. Boston?...

    or maybe "Detroit, rock city...) following on from the KISS theme - or am I looking for pop puns that really aren't there?



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