OK. I know that we've had a lot of Magnatiles pictures, but I'm having so much fun. I mean, the girls are having so much fun... In fact we all are. Except E5N1 who is sometimes a bit disturbed by the noise of collapsing towers.
I think this week may have been what 'they' had in mind when they coined the term 'burning the candle at both ends'. For a variety of reasons I have barely made it to bed before midnight - significantly later some days - and school mornings start at 6 am - there's not quite enough sleep in between. That said, I've been feeling more excited about work than I have for some time (in spite not because of my lack of sleep) and the girls are enjoying school which is great.
Exile #2 went to assembly today and heard Exile #3 doing some percussion with her classmates. Exile #4 has also been performing but only for us. It's quite a show. It goes something like this:
(singing on 'stage' on the couch/sofa): coo-na wel-la hel-la hel-la
(on harmonica): blow-suck-blow-suck-blow
(singing): coo-na wel-la coo-na wel-la hel-la hel-la
(on harmonica - faster): blow-suck-blow-suck-blow-suck-blow-suck-blow
(singing): coo-na wel-la coo-na wel-la hel-la hel-la hel-la hel-la
(on harmonica - even faster): blow-suck-blow-suck-blow-suck-blow-suck-blow-suck-blow-suck-blow
Followed by a big harmonica ending (including a pregnant pause before the last blow) and then a dramatic leap from the couch. It's quite something I can tell you. Here's some evidence of harmonica playing and a different perspective on my building achievements.
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