Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day 1.204: Recovering gradually

Exile #2 and I started attempting to breathe new life into these dining chairs a few weeks ago. They belonged to my grandparents and I sat on them as a child. Much of the fabric was by now threadbare and the stuffing was leaking out in places. In the end we came up with a method that worked pretty well and this evening while Exile #2 went to the grocery store, I finished the last two.

It was encouraging that Exile #2 managed an outing this evening - she has been fairly ill. Soon after recovering from her last infection and reaction to the medication for it she was back at the doctor with a stiff and swollen neck. At the time the doctor sent her home with some muscle relaxant, however we noticed a faint rash a few days later and after a fight to get an appointment and then several days waiting for some test results, it transpires that - as we suspected - she has Lyme disease. This is an infection spread by tick bites - tick-check is now (has been for some time) a daily discipline for the kids, now we need to remember to look after ourselves (or each other) a bit better too. More antibiotics and hopefully a more than gradual recovery.

This morning I was at a church leadership meeting that started outside and then moved inside to shelter from a passing thunderstorm. It rained hard at home, but in the absence of any audible thunder here, the kids decided to make their own. This evening nature made up for its earlier failings with an impressively loud storm. It still had nothing on this though:

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1 comment:

  1. I tell ya, you have some percussionists in your midst... the boy seems to know exactly when to come in with the deep wooden sounds of laminate flooring...


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