Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 1.229: Fruitbody and friends

Here are some of the fungi we saw on our walk at the lake on Friday including the coral fungus in the first picture - the same one that thanks to a combination of flash and camera-wobble ended up looking underwater in the previous picture. Well I thought so anyway - thanks for playing (along).

About ten years ago, Exile #2 (currently third match in a Google search for 'Drummy Mummy') and I came up with the idea for a children's book or TV series based on the adventures of a cool mushroom called Fruitbody and his friends - because his fibres are invisible and permeate a long way - Fruitbody can pop up anywhere. His friends had other special powers - Puffball can roll, Fly-Agaric can fly (maybe) - OK we didn't really think it through. I'm sure if we'd developed it this last picture could have been related in some way to a love interest. I don't know what it is but I'm calling it the "valentine's heart fungus". Let's see if anyone Googles for that!
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