Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 1.227: Nuestro charco es tu charco

At the beach on Friday, E5N1 invited himself into this puddle with these strangers.

Today's new trick - he climbed up to standing on the sofa and lifted a deserted half-cup of coffee down from a high shelf (without spilling any) then proceeded to play with it (with spillage).

He has taken a few unsupported steps on a couple of occasions over the last few days but despite remaining basically a non-walker, his climbing now basically knows no bounds - floor to chair, chair to table, table to - WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?!

He gets away with a lot thanks to his boldness and other charms.

Anyone know or want to guess about the coral? Answer to follow in the next day or two.

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1 comment:

  1. Reminds us of you on a French campsite at about the same age.Mum


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