Friday, August 8, 2008

Day 1.210: Airport flowers

My sister and family arrived safely from the UK for a visit today. Their final flight was delayed slightly by some local energetic weather. Talking of which, there was flash flooding during some thunderstorms in the early evening yesterday within about a mile of here and of my work. We had a good fall of rain, but nearby people were abandoning their cars in the middle of the road in two-foot-deep flood-water.

Anyway, today's delays left me with some time to kill at the airport. I spoke to a lady who remembered me at one of the car rental car desks (it's more than a year since I gave them any business, but I was something of a regular for a while). Then I wandered over to this vending machine containing vases of dying flowers. I suppose they might be appropriate for sad farewells (or for the arrival of unwelcome guests perhaps).

Our guests however are very welcome and are finally going to bed after a very long day (I think it's something like 22 hours since they started their journey). After a rough night's sleep last night I'm finding it easy to sympathise.
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