Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 4.187: Lie-in

I discovered the other day that my US colleagues had no idea what a 'lie-in' is. I was astonished. Nor, it seems, is there a simple alternative phrase. Let me demonstrate what a problem that is by doing this post with and without the phrase.

US readers please struggle through this:

The kids had a pretty lazy day recovering from their late night last night, but after being allowed (by the kids and our schedule) to stay in bed a little longer than usual to catch up on much-needed sleep, Exile #2 and I had a very busy day. The first task was to trim the shrubs at the front of the house "before it gets too warm" yeah - well, we managed to get the job done but it was already roasting in the mid-morning sun.

UK readers don't bother with that, read this instead - you'll get exactly the same information:

The kids had a pretty lazy day recovering from their late night last night, but after a welcome lie-in, Exile #2 and I had a very busy day. The first task was to trim the shrubs at the front of the house "before it gets too warm" yeah - well, we managed to get the job done but it was already roasting in the mid-morning sun.

1 comment:

  1. quite a succinct definition, I thought



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