Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Day 307: Call 9-9-1-1?

I've been off work today, dosed up on Acetominophen (Paracetamol to the rest of the world) and mostly sleeping. Mid-morning I was up for a while while Exile #2 did some shopping. The girls were off school today too - Exile #3 was up in the night presumably suffering from the same malady as me, but I have avoided the more dramatic symptoms and the apparently dramatic recovery. Anyway, this is how they appeared, in their improvised uniforms, telling me to call 9-9-1 (somewhere between the UK 999 and US 911) then realising it was wrong they went out and tried again 9-9-1-1. Third time they got it right.

In fact it seems that if we were to call 911, even for a completely non-fire-fightery emergency, the fire fighters would likely turn up - as I understand that they are the designated 'first-responders'. So maybe the girls suspected my health had taken a turn for the worse.

In fact I'm feeling a little more human now, albeit a bit unstable apparently having just lost my temper at the DVR for messing up the latest episode of 'House'. Time to dose up again and try to get a good night's sleep.
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  1. Hope you are feeling better. :)

  2. Ill?
    "A little more human now, albeit a bit unstable"?
    The video didn't miss an episode of House - it turned you into one.


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