Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Day 315: Camera trickery?

magic van

It isn't trickery though - the van really has got rotating advertising on its sides, not that I am affected by advertising of course.

We were interviewed this morning for a magazine (with I suspect very low local-only circulation) who are doing an article about my company's move. The article will of course include our names and the name of the company and therefore joins the ranks of real-me activities that cannot be referred to here except euphemistically. So I lead a double life, one of real places and real people, and one of pseudonyms and vagueness (albeit entertaining I hope). Most of my readers of course know who I am, so why keep up this strange separation? Habit maybe, or pride - I've done it this long, I can see it through. Or fear of random strangers knowing who I am and who my kids are and where we live - but then again an article in a magazine and a phone book would be a much simpler way to find me and I haven't avoided that. Maybe I just like to believe I am an international man of mystery.

So, I am like this van - all beer, no - web services, no - radio, no - beer, no - the_exile, no - Joseph*, no - the_exile, no - ...

PS Actually I fancy a beer now, maybe a Miller Lite would be nice.


* not my real name of course :-)

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