Monday, November 26, 2007

Day 320: Certain curtains

Yesterday evening Exile #2 finished sewing these curtains for E5N1's end of the room he shares with Exile #4 (she has been telling everyone why Exile #3 moved out: "she needed a bit of space"). The last task was to fix the grommets which run on the poll through holes in the fabric. These ones are made of metal and are bent into position by a special tool which has to be hit very hard with a mallet. So last night found me kneeling down by the fireplace (where we have some hard flooring) swinging at these pieces of metal like a miniature fairground strength test.

Anyway, since I managed to get them all fitted and I had put up the poles at the weekend, Exile #2 was so excited to see them up that I went in, while Exile #4 was sleeping and E5N1 was having his am-I-meant-to-give-this-up? late-night feed, in the dark to put them up. Very nice they look too. Now for Exile #4's curtains...
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