Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Day 322: Strike oppose

One of the many linguistic issues we've had over the last 322 days first surfaced on Day 17, but since I had other things to write about then...

At the lake that day, there was a man with a dog sled. The girls had a ride, but first S, who we were there with, was quite excited to meet the huskies. Her conversation with Husky Man went something like this:

S: Do you mind if I stroke the dog?
HM: Sorry, what?
S: Can I stroke the dog?
HM:You wanna strike my dog??!
S: No, no, ...

They say 'pet' here.

Not that all that has anything to do with this cute picture of E5N1 I took on Sunday. The link would be pop pun (#38) for title watchers and the next line is what we did later (after he got food all over them). You're makin' me laugh out.
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  1. this is excellent. the thought of a child asking a grown up if they can strike a husky is brilliant. S should have said "yes, and so what if i do". you need to teach them attitude.

    can't believe it's taken me so long to get round to commenting.

  2. I feel like I've been visited by (blogging) royalty. Thanks for stopping by!

    S is in fact a grown-up although her ardour for the huskies that day was definitely childlike. As for persisting with threatening a large man with a team of dogs...


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