Exile #4 regularly makes us laugh - her favourite stock-phrases are complaining about journeys taking a long time. "It takes a long time to get to ..." in a forlorn voice as we pull out of the drive is the normal form. She did a classic version of the other one today. We'd been having Saturday breakfast (in front of the TV) it was pancakes supplemented with toast this morning. As we were starting to clear up, she walked into the kitchen and said - totally straight-faced - "Are we having lunch soon?" Whether it was boredom or seeing Exile #2 looking like she might be cooking we may never know, but we all (including the 'hungry'-one) had a good laugh as a result.
We had a frustrating day - sheltering inside from the rain for almost all of it. The photo is from a couple of weeks ago - it's from Exile #3's camera, but I think I took it.
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