Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 1.053: Quincy Season 2

It may not be on the same scale as last year's, but we had neither a snow-plow nor a foot and a half of snow to work with this time. We piled the snow ourselves, and as you saw yesterday it was quite sturdy - It also has a window (not recommended for life-preserving quinzhees - but fun for a snow playhouse):

It was a bit tight for me this year, but for five year olds at least it was quite comfortable inside:

All that was yesterday of course, today I've been concentrating on dealing with work emails, starting to process my US tax return and trying to stay awake. Some of these were reasonably successful.
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  1. Would have enjoyed the first video even more if we'd seen you and Exile #2 (and E5N1 too, why not) also exiting the snow house. But I guess that might have had to involve some technological wizardry...

  2. It did cross my mind, but it's against my Cinema Verite principles.


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