Monday, March 17, 2008

Day 1.067: Look before you leap

This was the largest pile of snow on our property this morning - there was one other. It's there because I cleared the snow of the deck a week or so ago and this is is a shady spot day-round. Quite a different story from last year. Some things are the same however - I still think it's funny that the colloquial name for the saint of the moment is pronounced the same on both sides of the Atlantic despite generally being spelled like a field for growing rice in the UK and like a burger in the US.

In looking up last year's St Patrick's Day post I was disturbed to see that it was Day 66 - and today is Day 67 + 1 year...had I lost count and missed a number out? No of course it was just that we had an extra day in the first quarter of this year.

OK - obviously a whole day of meetings at work today has not done anything for my ability to string thoughts together in a coherent way.

Grapefruit. Orangutan. Ordinarily. Drainpipe. Nocturnal. Ibex. Grapple. Health. Triumphant.
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  1. One could say it should have been Day 65 + 1 year or not at all...

    Thanks for the birthday greetings.

  2. Grapefruit


    ?? Why would you say good night like that... strange =P=P
    i feel clever for working that out, so dont tell me i'm wrong! =D
    Say hi to everyone for me =)

    Hannah x

  3. Quite Unnecessary If Typically Endearing Requesting I Go Halt Talking

    No idea what I was on really - just very tired - like tonight in fact :-)


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