Thursday, March 13, 2008

Day 1.063: It was snowing when...

...I took this (March 12th). Forgive me if it went astray.

When we woke up this morning - the snow had nearly gone away:

Back in November zero-seven: patio* covered in snow:

Two nights** ago 'twas partly like no time had passed - no time!

(* - it's actually a deck; ** - it was morning)

Oh go on then - you can have it - pop pun #48 for title watchers but don't bother knocking on my door.
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  1. Hi there,

    Many apologies for the tardiness! "What a bizarre post", I thought, but then I cast my mind back to a time in the dim and distant past, over twenty years ago, when a princely person was contemplating the dawn of a new millenium .... Suddenly logic didn't seem to
    matter anymore!?!


  2. Thanks N, you and A have renewed my faith in my pop-pun-solving readership. It'll probably be stuck in my head for another 24 hours now though.

  3. Hmm, Sorry about that!
    Quite a tricky problem, the tune in the head scenario! I seem to be suffering too!

    Perhaps you just need to replace it with another one? (though preferably not too cryptic!)



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