We finally decided that we were ready and went there today. Spoiler: we all made it back in one piece.
The hike (a simple up-one-side down-the-other loop) is only 1.2 miles, but it is quite steep in places. Here are a few shots from the way up and the way back down:
The pay-off for the hard-work - beautiful uninterrupted views of the Schoharie valley - is hard to beat!
But yes - the trail does lead right up to high vertical cliff in several places!
And here are a few things that caught our eye - the excellent signs at the parking lot (Vroman's nose trails?! and EXTRA PARKING ON GRAss), a strange globular fungus and a very accommodating black swallowtail butterfly.
We also had a very nice lunch at a place Exile #2 had spotted looking very busy when we were in the area a couple of weeks ago. It turned out to be the excellent Apple Barrel Country Store cafe. Simple real food prepared freshly - not the cheapest place perhaps - but very good indeed.

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