Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day 6.350: Rivers sibyl

On Christmas Eve (unlike yesterday and today) we managed to venture out together for a walk.

It started in the front yard - with a check on Bob. His parsnip nose had been lost (probably to a deer), but he still had his eyes and his mouth was lying on the floor and was restored by Exile #4. He still looks almost exactly the same more than 48 hours later thanks to the drastic cool-down.

Then we headed over to Five Rivers where we had a cold, slippery but beautiful walk:

and even managed to fit in our often-repeated group photo.  You can see some previous versions - summarized last time we took one - in the summer and a list of links in an earlier post.

Incidentally, for any title-watchers, there is no oracular activity listed here, but those "rivers/reverse" puns are getting hard to come by for these posts.

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