Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 5.352: Nine, ten and eleven

It snowed - real amounts of snow (I would guess about 9 inches but I didn't do a good measurement) and it was the heavy kind!

But after the snow-clearance was done (a very neighbourly scene today - we were both helped and able to help), the kids set out to enjoy it. Exile #3 spent some time out in it, but Exile #4 was very pleased to have a co-conspirator in snow-fun today in the form of E5N1 who has been warming to the snow a little quicker winter by winter and seems to have immediately decided it is fun this year.

Here's the sledding:

And here's whatever this was:

We also watched a little Doctor Who (our family-TV-time) - catching the last of the Tenth Doctor's and the first of the Eleventh Doctor's episodes. Excellent stuff.

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