Sunday, August 5, 2007

Day 207: The tide ebbs

Exile #2 led some sung worship at our interim worship gathering this morning, and we had a nice meal all together afterwards. E5N1 was a bit grumpy and the girls were a bit wild - the price for some fun evenings ending in late nights. In the middle of the afternoon we came back to continue our box-unpacking.

On Day 187 I posted a picture of our 'box room'. This afternoon, as you can see, most of the boxes had gone - there's still quite a lot of bits and pieces to find homes for, but proportions are manageable with just under two weeks until it has to be habitable (by my nieces). I am hoping that we will have some living room furniture by then, as the air-mattresses that will be coming up here are currently serving as seating in the TV-watching area.

Tomorrow I'm going down to Maryland on a business trip, returning on Tuesday, so hopefully I'll manage an on-tour post or two again.
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1 comment:

  1. Great to hear that you and Exile #2 are getting involved in some sung worship leading! Your new church sounds exciting....


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