Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 5.060: Bowerboy

Today, E5N1 unpacked a load of Exile #2's sewing stuff and spread it around the floor.

This is what it looked like:

which reminded me of the bowerbird exhibit at the Berkshire Museum last weekend where there were photos and videos of the amazing work of these birds and a challenge to create your own.  Here is Exile #4 with her creation:

and here is mine:

Our day was taken up with a play-date here (Exile #3 and one of her friends), one elsewhere (Exile #4 and one of her friends), a science project (Exile #3, Exile #4 and both of their parents) and some birthday party preparations (Exile #2 for E5N1).  Action packed!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what incredible blue eyes they have (bowerbirds)!



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