Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 2.122: Right to wander

I caught a glimpse of this sign as we approached Dyken Pond on Sunday - as you can see we were still on metalled roads at this point. I was more than a little curious as to what the "Right to Farm Law" that we obviously needed to warned about could be. It turns out that we were not being warned so much as warned-off. "No coming here with your suburban sensibilities, buying up a slice of countryside and then complaining about the noise and smell of your neighbors' farming!" or words to that effect.

We had no such ambitions. I wanted to do this:

and wander amongst the witch-hobble. And Exile #3 wanted to do much the same:

She's starting to develop quite a good eye for a photo as well as a sense of humour.

Today was much less entertaining and ended with a very annoying American Idol show. The judges tried to select their favourites to be in the final next week by manipulating the viewing and voting public and ignoring the actual quality of the performances. I'm hoping to see Kris in the final. Danny was great from the start but has never really developed. Adam was fairly painful to start with, got surprisingly and pleasingly good but his 'unpredictability' getting a bit predictable. I'd be content to see either of them go now. Kris seems to pull a surprise out every week and I have liked him a little more each week. Come on America - don't be steam-rollered!

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