After apple-picking we followed the sign to pick-your-own pumpkins. This experience was as surreal as the apple-picking was traditional. The pumpkin patch looked like this:
And this:
At a first glance it looked like these huge orange balls had been scattered here as some kind of a treasure-hunt amidst the wispy weeds, but although some were disconnected, closer inspection revealed the pumpkin plants and a few late, plucky-but-doomed flowers still hoping to have their moment.
By the time we had selected four pumpkins and paid our ten dollars to the nice man at the register, it was getting late in the day and we walked back to the car in the late afternoon sun feeling pretty good about life.
Sorry if anyone came here hoping for a cockney warning about holding the hand-rail on the staircase.

Hope you've still got the pie recipe from last year!
Mmmm - pumpkin pie...