Saturday, April 21, 2007

Day 100: Sent your e-post

Time to take the helmet off and raise a bat to an applauding audience, Exiles in New York has hit a century. Exile #3 apologises for her absence from the celebratory picture, but she was at school - a higher calling without doubt.

As you can see we were able to spend some time sitting outside again today, temperatures are due to rise to well above 70 ºF and may even hit 80 ºF on Sunday. The lowest daily-maximum on the seven-day forecast is 56 ºF - quite a change from when 30 ºF seemed like a warm break in the weather.

It has been quite strange for me to be at home with all the family except Exile #3 this week. Exile #2 and Exile #4 have had their quiet daytime routine shattered by my presence, and also marginally disrupted by E5N1 of course :-). Although the smallest member of the family (I know - that's saying something) has been doing well, sleeping a lot, feeding quickly; it is amazing how much of the day is just written off to changing diapers/nappies, feeds and burping. When things like school-runs and mealtimes are added in the days are packed without any other planned activities. We are exceptionally grateful to some people who are cooking some meals for us. Tomorrow we are going to attempt a recreational outing. Brave or foolish - you decide - and I will let you know on Day 101.

There's a pun for title-watchers but no pop is involved.
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